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Cheering people on a colour run

Unleash your fundraising potential

We help charities develop awesome fundraising strategies by tapping into their data and supporter insights.

Data planning and analytics

Identify key supporters for your campaign or analyse the results to ensure you have access to all your insight.

Focus groups and market research

Find out what your supporters think about you or gain relevant insight to support your planning.

Strategic consulting

Develop a fundraising strategy using our wealth of experience or draw on our expertise to brainstorm ideas.

Creative and product development

Generate brilliantly well-informed campaign ideas and develop products that are made to measure for your key audiences.​

I’ve worked with Jonathan on several projects in a number of charities. He digs deep to uncover real, actionable insights that make all the difference to shifting results – and as someone who innately understands fundraising, this is super helpful.

Understanding what motivates your supporters is key to successful fundraising. Our expertise helps charities understand who their donors are and what makes them tick - why they give, what they give and how they give.
Strobe lights at  a concert
Our insights are drawn from the expertise of data creatives, market researchers, copywriters, analysts, marketing strategists and product development gurus.
Multicolor coffees in a circle
Why Text Giving has never really taken off, and how to make a success of it
Is this the best fundraising appeal ever?
Blackbaud Are Wrong About How Much Is Raised Online
Guide Dogs Have A Sonic Logo
World Cup of Fundraising
I stumbled across an old school fundraising totaliser
Why your charity should stop copying Coca Cola
Chartered Institute of Fundraisers South East & London | Insight-ful presentation
Fundraising Conference | Insight-ful presentation Why do people support charities in the North of England?
Chartered Institute of Fundraising convention | Insight-ful presentation
Bridge to the future: The future of non-profit technology, Episode 3 - Are you experienced?
#104 Jonathan Cook - #FundraisingNews 25th March 2020!
Why do people take part in sponsored events? Insight-ful webinar
We believe insight should be accessible for all, so we're giving away some insight, data, market research and product development resources.
Brown paper packages tied up with string

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