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Insight-ful wins at Institute of Fundraising Awards

I greet you this morning with the news that Insight-ful has won, not one but three awards at the Institute of Fundraising Awards.

Insight-ful received the Highly Commended certificate for "Supplier of the Year".

And, we are very honoured that two of our projects also received awards.

For our work alongside associates at Legacy Link, Wood Green - the animals charity - won "Most Powerful Use of Insight by a Charity with Fundraising Income Less than £7m". We worked with them to deliver insight on their Pet Promise, linking it to their legacy donations.

Our work with St Paul's Cathedral received the Highly Commended certificate for the same category.

It was such an incredible experience working with these charities and we are doubly delighted for the success of the projects and the recognition by the IoF.

Jonathan Cook | | +44 (0)7921 250 211

Jonathan @Linkedin | Twitter @jonathan_m_cook

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